Audio Packets

Studio Quality Digital Audio Transmission
Virtual ISDN BRI & Dedicated Audio Lines
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Audio Packets provides IP audio transport services over broadband Internet and private lines to create high quality real time low latency audio connections nationwide or internationally.

Virtual ISDN BRI Internet Lines
Dedicated Internet IP Audio Transport

T1, DS3, MPLS Network, Ethernet over Fiber


About Audio Packets
Who we are, our site policies and how to contact us.

Welcome to We specialize in helping studios, broadcasters and independent professionals obtain Virtual ISDN BR, Dedicated Line, and IP transport lines services.

About Our Technical Team
We are both telecommunications web site publishers and affiliates of Telarus Inc., an innovative master agency for dedicated lines, network and cloud services ranging from Virtual ISDN BRI over Internet to ISDN PRI, T1, Ethernet over Copper and fiber optic services to 10 Gps and above. Our technical and marketing experts are skilled in the field of voice and data bandwidth. When you call our toll free support number or submit an online quote form, your request will be answered promptly by an appropriate professional. We represent over a dozen tier 1 suppliers and will work with them on your behalf to find the right services at the best possible prices. Our consulting and pricing conversations are available to you at no cost or obligation.

Use of This Site is intended to help individuals and organizations who have serious applications for audio transport services nationwide. This includes independent studios and voice artists with their own IDSN interface equipment.

All of our material on this site is protected by United States Copyright law and may not be reused without permission. If you publish a non-competing newspaper, magazine or newsletter and would like to re-publish any of our information, please contact us. We'll probably grant permission as long as the published article contains proper attribution and mention of our web site. Write to ContactAudio (at) about article republication or with questions or comments regarding this website.

Our Privacy Policy
We only use the information you give us to discuss your applications for high bandwidth services and, if appropriate, create proposals and orders. Your private information is never sold to third party marketing organizations.

Free Consulting Support plus Pricing & Availability
Get connected with the new Virtual ISDN BRI audio over broadband Internet, or dedicated network line services. Simply use this handy form...


Service Type *
Contact Name: *
Business Name: *
Contact’s Email Address: *
Installation Phone Number (area code first): * () -

Our extensive cloud and telecom line services are provided by Telarus, Inc., a premier cloud broker and master agency. Please provide accurate phone & email contact information or call toll free for support anytime at 1-888-848-8749. All information you provide will be used only to support your inquiry and will not be shared.Virtual ISDN is appropriate for both commercial studios and independent voice actors with in-home studio setups. Please note that we offer line connections only, not studio services. Thank you.


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Please contact us by writing to ContactAudio (at)
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